DrumTools Performance Designer is a powerful VSTi drum tool, allowing for instant creation of 1-8 measure professionally sounding drum performances including drum loops, fills, intros, endings, solo, and then simply trigger them by MIDI notes from your sequencer. Easily turn separate performances into complete drum track, perfectly matching your song.
DrumTools Performance Designer consists of four main components:
• Drum sequencer - 3-track sequencer allowing to create up to12 individual 1-8 measure drum performances (parts), that can be triggered by MIDI notes from the host sequencer MIDI track and/or external MIDI keyboard.
• Slicy Drummer
• Fill-in Drummer
• Output Port - allows to send generated MIDI drum part to any sub-hosted sampler/synthesizer or any free MIDI out port, as well as to record MIDI file from host sequencer.
SlicyDrummer is a simple, but powerful tool for instant creation of drum loops by combining individual drum instrument patterns.
It provides user with a unique way to quickly construct drum loops by selecting the appropriate prerecorded pattern for each individual drum instrument from the library, which saves him from the annoying procedure of searching among thousands of readily available drum loops.
The software package includes a massive library, containing hundreds of MIDI patterns for a number of drum instruments (kick, snare, hi-hat, ride cymbal) and percussions (conga, cowbell, tambourine, maracas, hand clap, etc.). Patterns are pre-recorded in such a way that they can be easily combined to make up professionally sounding drum loops.
SlicyDrummer's user interface is exceptionally simple and easy to use. By scroll-selecting the prerecorded patterns for any of your drum instruments independently, you can quickly create drum loops of any sonically appropriate combination. To further simplify the procedure of finding the appropriate combination an Auto-compose feature based on the Intelligent Drum Rhythm Compose technology (IDRC) has been incorporated in the program. Auto-compose feature allows the user to momentarily create various, and more importantly, unpredictable combinations as easily as pressing a single button. Moreover, any automatically created combination can be further edited by replacing any drum pattern for a particular instrument.
Fill-in Drummer
A drum fill is a short (1 measure or so), but very important musical element. Fills work as bridges between parts of a composition, 4 or 8-measure rhythm sections, or as intros or endings. Fill-In Drummer is a unique and powerful MIDI tool specially developed for work with drum fills. It includes a massive library of factory pre-recorded drum fills, intros, and endings and also lets you use your own fill libraries.
A unique Fill Modifying System has been developed, which allows you to easily transform instrumentation, trim length, and adjust dynamics of a drum fill to better fit it to your musical needs.
This provides you with practically unlimited number of variations and edits of the prerecorded drum fills and lets you quickly perfect your basic rhythm part with pro quality drum fills, breaks, intros, and endings you can ever imagine.
Special Mixing System has been incorporated in the program, which allows you to intelligently combine drum fill with basic rhythm part, easily controlling punch in/out time and avoiding undesirable rhythm ‘gaps’ and double drum notes in the resulting track.